Town Hall Meetings

January 28 11:45 am - 12:30 pm  |  F-102 & Zoom

Where do we go from here?
Understanding NCC Facilities, Budgets, and Goals.

The next TOWN HALL MEETING DATE is on Sunday, January 28 at 11:45 am

This meeting will take place in F-102 and on Zoom. Childcare is available by advance request.

Join the meetings via Zoom at:

Meeting ID: 473 455 9059

One tap mobile

At the Town Hall Meeting we will share important information about the ways in which our buildings and equipment impact participation, activities, and mission.  Childcare will be available for those who request it in advance.

During the meeting a panel will summarize reports and information that has been gathered over the last year and a half, including assessments of the condition of each building and equipment, ADA accessibility, usage patterns and needs, and the cost of maintaining the buildings and equipment. After the material is summarized, the floor will be opened for questions from the audience.