Vacation Bible School

July 21 - 25  |  Northway Christian Church

If you have a child you’d like to register, please contact Rev. Chesna Riley.

VBS is filled with fun, faith, and friendship! This year, we are taking a journey to Nazareth, where Jesus was a kid!

VBS is for children ages 3 (MUST be potty trained) to 5th grade. The dates for VBS are
Mon-Fri, July 21-25, from 9:15—11:45 am.

Note if your children attend the NCDS Summer Program: If your children are registered for NCDS’s Summer Program, they are AUTOMATICALLY registered for the whole week of VBS, regardless of whether they attend NCDS on that day or not.  On the days they are registered to attend NCDS, please drop them to their classroom teachers through the NCDS procedures drop-off procedures; NCDS children will be accompanied by their NCDS teachers throughout the morning at VBS.  They will return to their classrooms with their NCDS teachers at the conclusion of the morning’s VBS activities.  See Drop-Off and Pick-Up details below for how they may be dropped off on the days they do not attend NCDS.

Drop-Off and Pick-Up

Please park in the north parking lot of NCC (on Northwest Highway) and bring your children into the main double doors no earlier than 9:00 am.  There will be a table where you may check-in your children, who will then be escorted by one of our volunteers to their family group in the Sanctuary.

***If your child has any allergies or medical conditions that you need to discuss with our volunteers, please notify the volunteer at the time of drop-off and one of our Team leaders will come speak with you.

For dismissal, please enter again through the main double doors.  Volunteers will be able to help you locate your children within the Sanctuary.  Pick up is at 11:45 am. 

* Snacks will be provided during VBS.  It is not necessary to send snacks unless your child has a specific allergy.

Questions?  Contact the church office at 214-361-6641 or email